August 30, 2007

Thing 10: Image Generators

Now how do you explain to a coworker why you're laughing and playing online with cartoon characters...oh yeah, 23 Things! I started on Garbage Pail Kids but couldn't find a way to import the character (I'll try again later) but check it out. How gross can you get?

I headed towards Meez because most people seemed to be using that and it was quite fun to do practice runs on a slow night at the desk. I did find an interesting article regarding Meez on which listed it as one of the top 5 'worst' sites.

Thing 9: MERLIN and Feed Searches

MERLIN was somewhat helpful...did subscribe and will check along with the other library related sites I have found along the way with 23 Things.
As for feed search sites: Information Overload!! I think I'll stick to Google and use the Blog Search, Photos and Images options available. If anything interesting pops up I can check for a feed there. Out of the four suggested search tools, I'd say Technorati was the easiest (and most useful) and that was the most "unuseful" (very, very messy).

August 24, 2007

Thing 8: RSS Feeds

Something we've had training in recently! Thru training at the branch I actually used Newsgator for a while. It was 'ok'. Bloglines had a better feel and a nice choice of pre-set feeds. BUT I actually chose to go back to my iGoogle page (with the help of a coworker) and added an additional tab with feeds directly located there. No need for the Google Reader directly. I just click on the 'RSS Feed' tab I created and check the newest articles there. You do miss out on some of the options available in readers such as clipping, forwarding, etc. but I'm just interested in viewing the articles and going on to the next bit of news. If I find that I need those options later...I'll just set up Google Reader .

August 23, 2007

Thing 7: Technology

Family Photos
Originally uploaded by amazingknittingkitty
Being familiar with photo sites, like flickr and kodak, what does one do with all those albums at home? It's such fun to watch your child grab their baby book from the shelf and want you to look thru with them and tell them stories of "when they were a baby". But now in the digital's more like gather around the computer or big screen television and view the slide show. I'm not so sure it has quite the same feel. It appears that our own work place is moving in that direction. Good or Bad? Gives one pause.....

August 22, 2007

Thing 5: Flickr

bunnicula timmy
Originally uploaded by bunnyhop
Yes...I've gotten ahead of myself and discovered that I blogged Thing 6 before Thing 5...Oh Well!!
How funny is a real life "Bunnicula"!!?
Found this initially searching on Flickr for random silly photos.

Thing 6: Flickr: Mosaic Maker

graveyard mosaic
Originally uploaded by specialkgal
So, played with Flickr today and discovered the '3rd party apps' quite interesting. Added a mosaic created with 'Mosaic Maker' that I thought matched the all black theme going on here on my blog. Has anyone notice that 'fd's Flickr Toys' were created by a fd aka 'John Watson'? Any relation?

Thing 2: Lifelong Learners

In that I enjoy was always so easy...I'd say that 'view problems as challenges' would rank as one of the hardest habits since problems/challenges would make the learning process...not so much fun..wouldn't it?
As for the easiest habit....Play! What else would someone with 18 years of experience working with children say?