August 24, 2007

Thing 8: RSS Feeds

Something we've had training in recently! Thru training at the branch I actually used Newsgator for a while. It was 'ok'. Bloglines had a better feel and a nice choice of pre-set feeds. BUT I actually chose to go back to my iGoogle page (with the help of a coworker) and added an additional tab with feeds directly located there. No need for the Google Reader directly. I just click on the 'RSS Feed' tab I created and check the newest articles there. You do miss out on some of the options available in readers such as clipping, forwarding, etc. but I'm just interested in viewing the articles and going on to the next bit of news. If I find that I need those options later...I'll just set up Google Reader .

1 comment:

Susan Stonesifer said...

I'm a Google Reader person and it has been helpful to shoot interesting stuff out from it.
